Thank you once again for making S feel so special and loved.
First Steps - A charity and social enterprise working alongside children and families to enhance communities and to change lives.
Baby Room Activity
Through the provision of high quality, inclusive childcare and support for families First Steps mission is to work in collaboration and partnership and ensure that whole communities thrive.
At First Steps we see each child as a unique, independent learner nested within their family and their community. We offer an inspiring, warm and nurturing environment where children can explore, be brave, test new ideas and above all have fun.
We are a social enterprise, putting the interests of people and planet above shareholder gain. We are committed to using profits and income to create benefits for society and the environment.
Through social enterprise, organisations like ours can operate with a positive impact on the world we live in and our children will inherit.
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First Steps is part of Compassionate Communities, a grass roots social movement which recognizes there are people and organisations supporting each other, who are available and can step in as and when needed with actual or virtual support. This will enable people in need to easily access local support and as a result of our work more people will get the help they need in a timely way and residents, students and businesses will be motivated to take action. Making Bath and North East Somerset a more sustainable, compassionate and healthy place and give individuals the confidence to take positive action when its needed.